9天九州璀璨之旅 +神秘四国


Specialty Meals
★ Shabu Shabu
★ BBQ Buffet
★ Kaiseki Cuisine
★ Grilled Unagi with Steam Rice
★ Japan Ichiran Ramen


☆Yanagawa Boat Ride 
☆Dolphin Watching*
☆Sand Bath at Beppu
☆Mt Inasa  Ropeway
☆Yufuin Floral Village
☆Dazaifu Train Ride* 
☆Oboke Ravine Pleasure Boat 
☆Seasonal Fruit Picking * (May - Oct) 
* Fruit picking and flower viewing are  subject to seasonality and  availability

★ 涮涮锅
★ 烧烤自助餐
★ 怀石料理
★ 柳川百年蒲燒蒸籠鰻魚飯
★ 一澜拉面


☆果园采摘当季的水果* (5月中旬至10月下旬)


Tour is conducted in Mandarin.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, sequence of the itinerary is subject to change with/without prior notice. If a place of visit or the attraction is closed to visitors, it will be replaced with an alternative if possible
Room types are based on run of house and allocated by respective hotels. SA Tours will not be responsible for the differences of the room allocated
Different tour groups may be merged.
Minimum group size of 15 passengers is required for a confirmed departure. Group size of 15 and below will solely be at the discretion of SA Tours and passengers need to accept the arrangement.
In the event of discrepancies between English and Chinese itinerary, please refer to the English version



Assemble at Changi International Airport to check in for your flight to Japan Kyushu

(For morning departures, check in to airport hotel and stay the night.)


Upon arrival in Fukuoka, visit Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, located at Dazaifu Prefectural Natural Park. It is dedicated to Sugawara Michizane, known as the god of learning and so it is busy all  year with visitors praying for success in academic achievement.

Next, take a *Dazaifu Train which incorporates design elements and exhibits that explore the theme of good luck.

In the afternoon, visit Kirin Beer Fukuoka Factory (includes beer tasting). Kirin Beer Farm is a restaurant in the factory, and it serves various kinds of delicious gourmet foods which match well with beer.

Lastly, head to Tosu Premium Outlets, a modern shopping center featuring international outlet stores offering brand-name items.

(*if Dazaifu train is not in operation, it will be replaced by another attraction)

Lunch / Dinner



After breakfast, enjoy a Yanagawa Boat Ride and  appreciate the scenic spots on the upper reaches of the river which symbolize Yanagawa City. .

After lunch, visit the Peace Memorial Park & Monument, built to commemorate the atomic blast of Nagasaki. The 9.7meter-tall Peace Statue sits in the park symbolizing the Nagasaki citizen's wish for peace.

See the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum. This historic and educational museum traces the events preceding the bombing of Nagasaki as well as the resulting destruction and the city's restoration.

Next, proceed to Clover Garden, a serene open-air museum with landscaped gardens, Western-style historic mansions and sweeping views.

Today, ascend the 333-metre-high Mt Inasa and enjoy an aerial perspective of the spectacular night views of Nagasaki. 

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner


After breakfast, bask in the beauty of nature and see wild dolphins by cruise. Enjoy Dolphin Watching, where you will have a chance to meet a flock of dolphins rooted in the inland sea, which is rare in the world.

Next, we will proceed to Nagasaki port to Kumamoto by cruise . In some seasons, you can even see and feed seagulls on the cruise!

Arrive in Josaien, located in Sakura-no-baba, overview at the foot of Kumamoto Castle, one of Japan’s three major castles. This area re-creates the bustling atmosphere of a seventeenth-century castle town and is a great place to experience the food, culture, and history of Kumamoto.

Stroll along the Edo-themed shopping arcade with souvenirs and eateries influenced by the town's 300-year-old history. Stay the night in Aso. 

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner


After breakfast, travel to Kokonoe Yume Suspension Bridge to see the longest suspension bridge in Japan. From the bridge, you will get to view Shindo-no-Taki, one of the top 100 waterfalls in Japan.

Next, drop by Yufuin Floral Village. This small theme park is surrounded by a rich variety of nature, designed to look like a country village in England's Cotswolds region. Here, you can see the natural landmark Lake Kinrinko, famous for its mystical views which you can admire from the surrounding walking paths.

Then, it's time for one of the most unique experiences in Beppu – soaking in a Hot Sand Bath! Imagine yourself lying down covered by the natural heated sand and gazing out at the sea in front of you.

Finally, visit the Hells of Beppu to see steaming ponds of various colours, bubbling mud pools and other hydrothermal activity.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner


Today catch a 3-hour ferry from Beppu to Ehime (Shikoku).

Upon arrival, visit Matsuyama Castle , a flat land mountain castle that was built in 1603 on Mount Katsuyama that stands tall with a height of 132 meters in Matsuyama City in Ehime Prefecture (the former Iyo Province).

Next, visit Dogo Onsen, stroll around one of Japan's most famous and oldest hot spring with a history of 3,000 years. It is popular for its beautiful bath house and ryokan, which provided inspiration for Hayao Miyazaki’s film, “Spirited Away”.(Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)


After breakfast, Visit the Kochi Castle Tower (exterior) & Sakamoto Ryoma Memorial Museum. This museum is involved in the research of Ryoma Sakamoto (1835-1867) and the Meiji Restoration, as well as the gathering, preservation, and display of related materials.

Next, visit the Katsurahama Beach, a scenic beach 30-minutes south of central viewing a bronze statue of Sakamoto Ryoma.

Visit Hirome Market, Kochi’s most famous market in central Hirome where you can find all of Kochi’s local delicacies!

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner


Today, board Oboke Ravine Pleasure Boat, which travels down and then back to Yoshino River. You can enjoy the changing seasons through fresh green in Summer, colored leaves in Autumn and even snow in Winter (subject to weather conditions).

Next, visit Iya Vine Bridge. Located in Nishiiyayama Village in Miyoshi city, this bridge is among the 3 most peculiar bridges in Japan. Built from 5 tons of vines, the bridge iscompletely rebuilt every 3 years Here, you can experience the thrill of feeling how the bridge sways with every step. -Near the bridge, see Biwa Falls, a beautiful 50-meter-high waterfall.

In the afternoon, head to  Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge. Walk along the Maiko Marine Promenade, a circuit-style promenade on the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge. Situated approximately 47 meters above the sea and 150 meters above the ground, it has a total length of approximately 317 meters looking over the Akashi Strait.

Next, see the Naruto Strait Whirlpools. Large whirlpools occur here between Awaji island and Magosaki in Naruto City, which are caused by the ebb and flow of the tides. Known as one of the world's 3 largest whirlpools, it’s a stunning experience that you wouldn’t want to miss (subject to weather conditions).

In the evening, shop at Shinsaibashi, Osaka’s busiest and largest shopping area with countless stores from high-end retailers to the familiar high street shops and Dotonbori, which embodies the city’s nightlife. 

Breakfast / Lunch


Today Stop for photos at the famous Osaka Castle Park, one of the most popular destinations in Osaka city’s most recognizable landmark.

Rinku Premium Outle has a wide variety of international and domestic big-name brands, offering everything from sports and outdoor wear to denim and casual wear .

Then transfer to the airport for your flight home and we hope you have had an exciting holiday with SA Tours! (Breakfast)





-抵达福冈搭乘太宰府旅人列车。通过传统的日式图案麻叶纹,洋溢着浓厚 历史感与 日式风情的街道和太宰府的气息便扑面而来。

-太宰府米其林指南二星景点太宰府曾是九州的首府,历时五百多年。天满 宫与背后的宝满山、三郡山同属太宰府县立自然公园,是日本学问之神菅 原道真的本宫,已被指定为日本国家级文化遗产。

 -麒麟啤酒园 通俗易懂地从原料到制造工艺的角度,讲解啤酒的酿造过程 是一家人参观工厂的好去处。“麒麟啤酒农场”里可以享用原生啤酒.

-鸟栖Outlet 全九州最大的名牌直销 Outlet。 


午餐 / 晚餐


-柳川游船(网红景点)柳川游船就是乘坐称为「到恩烤」的小舟沿着护城 河顺流而下,由河面上游玩这些名胜,这也是最能体验柳川市魅力的方 法 *柳川人力游船 如 遇定休或天候等不可抗力因素,则改北原白秋生家纪念馆。



-哥拉巴園位於日本長崎縣長崎市南山手町地區的一個旅遊景點,現被列為 世界遺產 九州、山口的近代化工业遗产群。

-稻佐山 (缆车) 在山顶处可以眺望长崎全市的景色观赏风景的胜地

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐



-搭乘渡轮到熊本乘汽车渡轮横渡有明海往熊本港,沿途海鸥 追逐于船旁,游客可喂其食物 (海鸥出没视气候而定)。

-城彩苑樱之小路位于熊本城脚下的樱之马场。作为熊本的象征性建筑熊本城担负着宣传当地饮食文和历史传统,提高熊本城及 城下町魅力。



早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐


-九重‘梦’大吊桥 此桥是对步行者专用吊桥而言是日本第 一高的 吊桥。就在眼前,可以望见被“日本百选名瀑”选 中的“ 震动之 瀑·雄瀑”和“雌瀑”。

-汤布院小镇在日本九州岛岛有个可爱的英式小村庄,而这个 小村庄 也完全掳获众多少女及宫崎骏动画迷们的心,因为 这个仿英国科斯 沃地区打造的汤布院结合了吉卜力的日 式幻想风格与英国乡村风。

-金麟湖森林小径汤布院地区最具代表性的观光景点之一,当 阳光照 耀在清澈的湖面时,所产生的折射彷佛金色鱼鳞般 的闪烁而得名.

-沙浴利用的是温泉蒸汽,同一般沙浴相比更利于保持令人体 舒适的温度。不会过高恰到好处的热度,让您可以享受沙浴。

-别府海地狱别府地狱温泉,位于日本大分县中部的别府县。 别府地 区温泉众多,是很好的旅游之地其中别府最著名的 八大地狱温泉。

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐



-抵达后参观松山城 是爱媛县松 山市的日本城堡, 日本仅存的12座天守(城堡)之一,雄 踞在海拔132公尺的 胜山山顶,属于日本最高的一座。城内 的21栋建筑,被评定为国家级重要文化遗产。

-道后温泉本馆- 宫崎骏经典动画电影《 千与千寻》原型温 泉,是 其灵感来源。道后 温泉本馆是日本最古老的道后温 泉的标志性建筑。此建筑是平成6年(1994年)第一家被 指定 为日本国家重要文化 财产的大众浴场,并荣获平成2009年 米其林绿色三星好评。 


-高知城天守阁(瞭望楼),追手门(正门)以下15栋建筑物被认定为国 家重要文物。高知城是日本全国唯一保 留整个本丸建筑群的古城,

-高知县立坂本龙马纪念馆根据史册,坂本龙马(1835-1867年)成 功打倒江户幕府政权,开创明治维新的时代。在这座现代化的纪念 馆,您将了解他的贡献与波澜壮阔的人生。

-桂浜海岸在美丽的弓形海岸线上,竖立一座坂本龙马铜像, 乃当地 的热门景点。并可以在此俯瞰迷人的海景。

-弘人市場高知鼎鼎大名的美食集散中心,從高知鄉土料理乃 至世界 各國的美食应有尽有. 

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐


-大步危小步危峡游船大步危峡游船近观 清澈的溪流和大步危峽一 年四季不同的美景

-奥祖谷藤蔓橋坐落在德岛县的吊桥,据说在800年前建造由 藤蔓编织而成,為日本三大奇桥之一。

-鳴門漩涡位于淡路岛和鸣门市的孫崎之间的大漩涡,而它是 由于潮 汐的潮起潮落造成的。被誉为世界三大漩涡之一是 您不容错过的绝妙体验。(胥视天气情况)

-明石海峡大桥在世界第一吊桥是神户市一侧作为附加设施同时施工、是距离海面高度约 47m、距离陆地约150m、突 出明石海峡之上、延长约317m。


早餐 / 午餐


-参观前往著名的大阪城公园拍照留念 大阪城公园不仅是大 阪最受欢迎,也是日本全国最受尊敬的地标之一 .
-大阪临空精品奥特莱斯购物中心位于关西国际机 场对面,是西日本最大规模的名牌商品折扣店。
结束此次日 本之行,回到温暖的家中!告别日本,乘搭客机飞返新加坡, 希望您中美旅遊共享美丽的回忆。



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